Chef Engineer
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Chef Engineer

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Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka from fahmi reza on Vimeo.

Akal, Mata dan Hati:- Pejuang yang dilupakan. Saksikanlah dokumentari ini dan nilailah sendiri.

Chef Engineer


Imam Rasu bin Shahrum atau juga dikenali sebagai Tok Gajah, Khatib Rasu dan Imam Perang Rasu ialah Orang Besar Raja Pahangdengan gelarannya ialah Orang Kaya Indera Gajah Pahang. Beliau juga merupakan penasihat utama Sultan Ahmad Muazzam Shah, Sultan Pahang dalam segala hal yang berkaitan dengan Hulu Pahang, iaitu kawasan-kawasan di hilir sungai dari Pulau Tawar. Beliau merupakan Orang Kaya Raja yang berkuasa dari kawasan Batu Redap sampai ke Kuala Piul, kawasan dari Tanjung Sakti sampai ke Kangsa, kawasan dari Pedah hingga ke Tanjung Lindung dan juga Lembahan Sungai Budu di Lipis. Kedudukan beliau setaraf dengan Orang Besar Empat di Pahang.

Beliau juga merupakan ketua pasukan Sultan dalam penentangan terhadap penjajah British bersama Datuk Bahaman dan pejuang-pejuang sezamannya yang dipimpin oleh Tok Ku Paloh tahun 1893/1895. Tok Gajah sanggup menghadapi askar-askar British yang lengkap bersenjata ketika bertindak menghalau penjajah British yang hendak merampas pemerintahan negeri Pahang. Tok Gajah adalah ayah kepada Mat Kilau, pahlawan Melayu Pahang.

Bersama-sama dengan Datuk Bahaman, Datuk Lela dan Mat Kilau, Tok Gajah merupakan salah seorang pahlawan yang terlibat dalam mematahkan pemberontakan Pahang antara tahun 1891 hingga tahun 1895. Bersama dengan Wan Lingga, Tok Gajah telah diarahkan olehBendahara Wan Ahmad untuk menyerang Maharaja Perba dan Orang Kaya Setia Lela. Ini disebabkan perselisihan antara Maharaja Perba dengan Bendahara. Beliau pernah diutuskan ke Singapura bagi mendapatkan khidmat peguam sebagai penasihat Sultan Ahmad.

Pada tahun 1892, pihak British mengeluarkan perintah tangkap ke atas Tok Gajah lalu memaksa beliau menyelamatkan diri ke Ulu Kelantandan kemudian ke Hulu Terengganu sebelum meninggal dunia pada tahun 1901. Kubur Tok Gajah terletak di Kampung Pasir Nering, Kuala Berang, Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu Darul Iman.

Akal, Mata dan Hati:- Tok Gajah terpaksa menukar nama bila berpindah dari satu ke satu tempat bagi mengelakkan beliau ditangkap. Sehinggakan orang ramai yang tinggal berhampiran tidak menyangka jiran mereka itulah Tok Gajah. Alfatihah utk beliau...

Chef Engineer

Tok Janggut Pahlawan Kelantan

Tok Janggut
or Haji Mohd Hassan bin Munas (1853 - June 25, 1915) was a famous Malay warrior in Kelantan, Malaysia during British protectorate. He was named Tok Janggut because of his long beard, almost reaching his chest ('janggut' being the Malay word for beard).

Tok Janggut received his early education in Mecca and was a master of silat, a Malaysian martial art. After the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909, Britain took over the administration ofKelantan from Siam, and immediately made significant changes in the administration system. This served as the trigger for rebellion for Tok Janggut.

Factors of Rebellion

There were several causes:

  • Engku Besar lost of power - Engku Besar Tuan Ahmad Ibni Al-Marhum Tengku Chik Pendek was a grandson of Tengku Sri Maharaja Long Seri Ibni Perdana Mentri Long Gafar of Limbat, a hereditary chieftain and lord of east Kelantan. Long Gafar was a Reman prince, colleague of Long Yunus and co-founder of unified Kelantan. Engku Besar Tuan Ahmad was the ruler of Jeram who had for long enjoyed the respect and loyalty of the local people but who hate lately felt that their feelings for him had declined because the new district officer had undermined his status.[1]
  • Jihadism- Tok Janggut was influenced by the message of Jihadism promulgated during the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century, which advocated the fight against Westernimperialism
  • New tax system - The British adviser, W. Langham-Carter, even denied that the new tax-system was the major cause of the trouble. He attributed the whole plot efforts originiting inKota Bharu to oust the British the new land tax that involved both aristocrats there, whom he labelled "Tengkus" and the Sultan. According to Langham-Carter, however, the aristocrats' ultimate aim was to overthrow the sultan.[2] Britain was making it harder for everyone to pay the tax by either putting them in prison or fining them. Besides, the behaviour of the British tax officers there seemed unpleasant for the Kelantan civilians who came there to pay the tax.
  • Resentment against non-Kelantanese in general such as Sikhs and Singapore-born Malay D.O. of Pasir Puteh, Abdul Latif and anti-British sentiment[3]
  • Sultan's ambivalent attitube towards the rising, the folk legend of Tok Janggut's disguised pursuit of revenge against the Sultan, and alleged conspiracy among the Kelantanese aristocrats to oust the Sultan[4]

On 29 April 1915, the administration of Jeram, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan subsequently fall to Britain's hands. One of the British officers, Encik Latiff took over the administration of Kelantan from the local leader, Engku Jeram. Things seem to go out of control as Encik Latiff, an out-sider and whose native state is not Kelantan, was very stern and firm about collecting tax in Kelantan.

Engku Besar Jeram, called upon Tok Janggut, Haji Said, Che Sahak Merbol and Penghulu Adam, to discuss social issues of Kelantan. They also signed a pact which prohibits any one of them to co-operate with the Britain. Not surprisingly, their independence fight gained support from most Kelantan residents, which worried Encik Latiff. He decided to end the situation before any possible revolt occurs.

On 29 April 1915, Encik Latiff sent Sergeant Sulaiman, better known as Sergeant Che Wan, to arrest Tok Janggut for failing to pay the government tax. Tok Janggut agreed but refused to walk in front of them and a fight occurred, in which Tok Janggut manages to stab the sergeant.

Following the event, Tok Janggut assembled all his men and marched towards to Pasir Puteh. Encik Latiff, out of fear, quickly fled Pasir Puteh before the invasion. Here, Tok Janggut fought a battle against the British forces in which ultimately, they are successful. They remained in Pasir Puteh for three days and declared the independence of Pasir Puteh from British rule. Engku Besar Jeram was selected King of Pasir Puteh and Tok Janggut as Prime Minister. Britain immediately decreed Tok Janggut and his fellow comrades as 'traitors.' Britain also promised a reward of $500 for the person who caught Tok Janggut or his comrades, dead or alive.

As a result of Tok Janggut's refusal to surrender, British officers in Kelantan took immediate action by burning down Tok Janggut's house, as well as his followers' houses, too. Tok Janggut immediately replied by laying a siege on Pasir Puteh. This time, luck was on Britains' side, Tok Janggut was killed in the gruesome battle near Kampung Pupuh. His dead body was exhibited throughout Kota Bharu and Pasir Puteh and was hung for several days in front of the Kelantan Royal Palace. Tok Janggut's body was buried in Pasir Pekan afterwards, ending the rebellion against British rule in Kelantan.

Akal, Mata dan Hati:- Tok Janggut menentang penjajah British demi agama, bangsa dan negara. Berjuang untuk membebaskan negerinya daripada penjajah British yang menjajah untuk negara mereka. Mengaut keuntungan dan hasil bumi di Kelantan untuk dibawa ke British. Juga mempunyai niat untuk menyebarkan agama kristian di bumi melayu.

Atas dasar itu Tok Janggut berjuang menentang British dan Tok Janggut tahu ada juga bangsa melayu yang bekerjasama dengan British (tali barut). Walaupun beliau tahu perjuangannya akan memberi masalah kepada keluarga serta dirinya sendiri ia tidak menghalang niatnya untuk menentang penjajah British. Beliau tahu bahaya penjajahan British ini akan memberi kesan yang besar kepada agama Islam lantas tanpa menghiraukan kesusahan beliau berjuangan dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Akhirnya beliau gugur akibat pengkhianatan bangsanya sendiri. Alfathihah buat Tok Janggut..
Chef Engineer

Akal, Mata dan Hati:- Hal sebelum merdeka rupanya...