Assalamualaikum semua.
Jika anda pernah come across Majalah 3 pada bulan July ade paparan ttg ayam organic herba di usahakan seorang profesor - Dr Mohamad Zainol Abdul Haja. Saya tertarik dgn cara pembiakan ayam yg Dr Zainol sahakan, bersih, terkawal dan halal.
Saya dan suami menjejaki Dr Zainol, dpt jumpa, berborak, sy juga pernah bawa Dr Zainol dan isteri beliau Dr Mumtaz, berjumpa dgn network saya di Melilea Puchong. Sekadar ingin mengajak beliau berkongsi pengalaman dgn kami. Saya kagumi insan ini, mengorbankan kerjaya profesional utk akhirnye memilih jalan berbakti kepada ummah.Terlalu mudah akidah umat islam di Malaysia kini diperalat, kami sgt sedih. Matlamat kami sama, insyaallah.
Sungguh, teknologi menjadikan kita negara yg moden, teknologi juga akan kemudiannye merosak byk perkara baik dlm tubuh kita.. yg akhirnye akan merosak akidah. Kalau hendak dicerita, sgt panjang. Saya ringkaskan.
Wujud enzim khinzir dlm ayam diperakui setelah bbrp tahun buat research, malah byk website yg ade maklumat ini, sy akan beri add nnt. Enzim khinzir mungkin tidak terlabel secara individual dlm proses menggemukkan ayam (m'sia tidak akan buat label ), tp hasil dari kajian, protein dari khinzir, antibiotik dan pelbagai lagi mampu menyuburkan ayam, cepat gemuk, lg berat lagi cepat boleh jual, cepat dpt hasil., maka suntikan, makanan ayam ade campuran pelbagai yg sumbernya diragui. Thats y, dari telur hungga ia menjadi hidangan anda, ayam tidak perlu mengambil masa berbulan-bulan.. ayam KFC cuma 28 hari,ayam daging mungkin 40 hari... sy tidak pasti.
Lately sibuk harga ayam naik, sy come across pulak seorang pengusaha ayam berbangsa china di Buletin Utama 2 mlm yg lalu, "harga ayam mesti mau naik sikit, makanan ayam pun sulah naik halga, itu UBAT ayam pun sudah naik halga" ...ubat ???.. tapi tiada apa lagi yg memeranjatkan saya.... anda fikirkan, anda nilailah. Ayam kat malaysia ni sampai dah macam tak cukup supply, harga semakin lama semakin naik, yg gemuknye pengusaha ayam cina inilah.
Halal ke ayam daging? tidak mengapa jika anda pasti dan yakin ttg kehalalannye, tambahan di Malaysia ade sykt besar yg melabelkan halal utk ape pun jua produk ayamnye tetapi Taraf Halal itu, saya anggap ia hanye di kategorikan utk PROSES PENYEMBELIHAN cara islam yg diutamakan di sykt itu.. even pernah masuk TV, tetapi cara ayam dibesarkan, di beri mkn makanan yg bagaimana tidak mungkin termasuk dlm HALAL yg dimaksudkan.... anda fikir bagaimana?
Sy pernah bertanye kpd Dr Zainol, government negara islam ini tak berbuat ape ape ke? Dia jawab, it happens around the world nanee. its the technology!!
Percaya atau tidak, sewaktu Dr Zainol confirm ayam daging ini ade enzim khinzir, beliau menangis, after a long time of research, baru skrg confirm!! Saya juga sgt sedih.. sgt sgt sedih. Bayangkan kotornye, hinanya makanan yang kita mkn,makanan yg membentuk 'kita'.
Ayam daging biasanya dlm 20 minutes kalau letak kat luar peti sejuk mesti lalat dah datang, bau dia mak aaiiii... senang hanyir, kenapa? Ade certain part part ayam ni daging dia punyelah padat dan banyak kan ... kenapa ye...? fikir fikirkan.
Saya tidak berniat mempromosi ape ape, sy juga tiada share dlm biz Dr Zainol, tapi saya seru, kepada sesiapa sahabat yg terbaca email ini, mungkin skrng tiba masanye kita mengubah sumber pemakanan kita.. maafkan saya jika terlambat bercerita, sy hanya manusia, kdg2 sy takut juga pandangan ikhlas saya di salah erti. Pernah beberapa kali sy bercerita kpd kwn kwn, tapi cerita sy di anggap seperti diada adakan, malah ade yg tak respon ape ape, (bila pk pk kelakar pun ade, takkan benda dasyat mcm ni takde respon ek...) jd sy berhenti bercerita seketika.. maafkan sy terlambat memanjangkan kepada kwn kwn.. but anyway inilah sebenarnye tanggungjawab kita.
Fwd this mail to your friends,kita ambillah tanggungjawab ini. insyaaallah Allah berkati.
last mth pun article Ayam Organic ade keluar kat Berita Harian, full page, kat dlm tu pun ade ttg enzim khinzir ini.
Anyway sy dan keluarga kini tidak lagi risau harga ayam daging ni naik ke turun ke, lantokkkkkk le dia.... Ayam organic jauh lebih sedap, manis n tak byk daging, yg penting kita pasti ttg sumber pembesaran ayam ini., insyaallah.
The following world-class essay is worth reading even if you are very hard-pressed for time. It shows many things that makes us ponder in life. Those of us in the education field can marvel at the fluency of the English language and success in the education of this Singaporean student, Amanda Chong.
Those of us with aged parents can understand what the old woman depicted in the story felt.
And those of us who are yuppies or have children who are yuppies would comprehend the young woman in the story.
Whatever our position is with regard to the story in this essay, our life experiences have taught us invaluable lessons depicted in the moral of the story included at the end of this essay by two anonymous readers.
Hope you could spend some time to read till the end - as a gift to yourself.
A good essay. Worth reading. Reflects the life of powerful city people today.
Singapore girl wins Commonwealth essay prize!
You will be amazed at the maturity of this 15-year old girl. It's worthwhile taking 5 mins to read this essay.
A 15-YEAR-OLD Singaporean, competing against 16-18-year-olds, has won the top prize in a writing contest that drew 5,300 entries from 52 countries...
In the annual Commonwealth Essay Competition, Amanda Chong of Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) chose to compete in the older category and won with a piece on the restlessness of modern life.
Her short story, titled "What The Modern Woman Wants," focused on the conflict in values between an old lady and her independent-minded daughter.
'Through my story, I attempted to convey the unique East-vs-West struggles and generation gaps that I felt were characteristic of young people in my country,' said Amanda, who likes drama, history and literature and wants to become a lawyer and a politician.
Chief examiner Charles Kemp called her piece a 'powerfully moving and ironical critique of modern restlessness and its potentially cruel consequences'. The writing is fluent and assured, with excellent use of dialogue.
Amanda gets (S$1,590). A Singaporean last won the top prize in 2000, said Britain 's Royal Commonwealth Society, which has been organising the competition since 1883. Singaporeans also came in second in the 14 to 15-year-old category, and fourth in the under-12s. Other winners included students from Australia , Canada and South Africa.
What the Modern Woman Wants...
By Amanda Chong Wei-Zhen
The old woman sat in the backseat of the magenta convertible as it careened down the highway, clutching tightly to the plastic bag on her lap, afraid it may be kidnapped by the wind.
She was not used to such speed, with trembling hands she pulled the seat belt tighter but was careful not to touch the patent leather seats with her callused fingers, her daughter had warned her not to dirty it, 'Fingerprints show very clearly on white, Ma.'
Her daughter, Bee Choo, was driving and talking on her sleek silver mobile phone using big words the old woman could barely understand.
'Finance', 'Liquidation', 'Assets', 'Investments'... Her voice was crisp and important and had an unfamiliar lilt to it.
Her Bee Choo sounded like one of those foreign girls on television. She was speaking in an American accent. The old lady clucked her tongue in disapproval......
'I absolutely cannot have this. We have to sell!' Her daughter exclaimed agitatedly as she stepped on the accelerator; her perfectly manicured fingernails gripping onto the steering wheel in irritation.
'I can't DEAL with this anymore!' she yelled as she clicked the phone shut and hurled it angrily toward the backseat. The mobile phone hit the old woman on the forehead and nestled soundlessly into her lap. She calmly picked it up and handed it to her daughter.
'Sorry, Ma,' she said, losing the American pretence and switching to Mandarin. 'I have a big client in America . There have been a lot of problems.'
The old lady nodded knowingly. Her daughter was big and important.
Bee Choo stared at her mother from the rear view window, wondering what she was thinking. Her mother's wrinkled countenance always carried the same cryptic look.
The phone began to ring again, an artificially cheerful digital tune, which broke the awkward silence.
'Hello, Beatrice! Yes, this is Elaine.'
Elaine. The old woman cringed. I didn't name her Elaine. She remembered her daughter telling her, how an English name was very important for 'networking', Chinese ones being easily forgotten.
'Oh no, I can't see you for lunch today. I have to take the ancient relic to the temple for her weird daily prayer ritual.'
Ancient Relic. The old woman understood perfectly it was referring to her. Her daughter always assumed that her mother's silence meant she did not comprehend.
'Yes, I know! My car seats will be reeking of joss sticks!'
The old woman pursed her lips tightly, her hands gripping her plastic bag in defence. The car curved smoothly into the temple courtyard. It looked almost garish next to the dull sheen of the ageing temple's roof.
The old woman got out of the back seat, and made her unhurried way to the main hall. Her daughter stepped out of the car in her business suit and stilettos and reapplied her lipstick as she made her brisk way to her mother's side.
'Ma, I'll wait outside.. I have an important phone call to make,' she said, not bothering to hide her disgust at the pungent fumes of incense.
The old lady hobbled into the temple hall and lit a joss stick, she knelt down solemnly and whispered her now familiar daily prayer to the Gods.
'Thank you God of the Sky, you have given my daughter luck all these years. Everything I prayed for, you have given her. She has everything a young woman in this world could possibly want.
'She has a big house with a swimming pool, a maid to help her, as she is too clumsy to sew or cook. Her love life has been blessed; she is engaged to a rich and handsome angmoh man.
'Her company is now the top financial firm and even men listen to what she says... She lives the perfect life. You have given her everything except happiness. I ask that the gods be merciful to her even if she has lost her roots while reaping the harvest of success.
'What you see is not true, she is a filial daughter to me. She gives me a room in her big house and provides well for me. She is rude to me only because I affect her happiness. A young woman does not want to be hindered by her old mother. It is my fault.'
The old lady prayed so hard that tears welled up in her eyes.
Finally, with her head bowed in reverence she planted the half-burnt joss stick into an urn of smoldering ashes.
She bowed once more. The old woman had been praying for her daughter for thirty-two years. When her stomach was round like a melon, she came to the temple and prayed that it was a son.
Then the time was ripe and the baby slipped out of her womb, bawling and adorable with fat thighs and pink cheeks, but unmistakably, a girl. Her husband had ticked and punched her for producing a useless baby who could not work or carry the family name.
Still, the woman returned to the temple with her new-born girl tied to her waist in a sarong and prayed that her daughter would grow up and have everything she ever wanted.
Her husband left her and she prayed that her daughter would never have to depend on a man. She prayed every day that her daughter would be a great woman, the woman that she, meek and uneducated, could never become.
A woman with 'neng kan'; the ability to do anything she set her mind to. A woman who commanded respect in the hearts of men. When she opened her mouth to speak, precious pearls would fall out and men would listen.
She will not be like me, the woman prayed as she watched her daughter grow up and drift away from her, speaking a language she scarcely understood.
She watched her daughter transform from a quiet girl to one who openly defied her, calling her laotu, old fashioned.... She wanted her mother to be 'modern', a word so new there was no Chinese word for it.
Now her daughter was too clever for her and the old woman wondered why she had prayed like that. The Gods had been faithful to her persistent prayer, but the wealth and success that poured forth so richly had buried the girl's roots and now she stood faceless with no identity, bound to the soil of her ancestors by only a string of origami banknotes.
Her daughter had forgotten her mother's value. Her wants were so ephemeral, that of a modern woman. Power, wealth, access to the best fashion boutiques and yet her daughter had not found true happiness. The old woman knew that you could find happiness with much less.
When her daughter left the earth, everything she had would count for nothing. People would look to her legacy and say that she was a great woman but she would be forgotten once the wind blows over, like the ashes of burnt paper convertibles and mansions.
The old woman wished she could go back and erase all her big hopes and prayers for her daughter now that she had looked out of the temple gates.
She saw her daughter speaking on the phone, her brow furrowed with anger and worry. Being at the top is not good, the woman thought, there is only one way to go from there - down.
The old woman carefully unfolded the plastic bag and spread out a packet of beehoon in front of the altar. Her daughter often mocked her for worshiping porcelain Gods. How could she pray to them so faithfully and expect pieces of ceramic to fly to her aid?
But her daughter had her own gods too, idols of wealth, success and power that she enslaved to and worshiped every day of her life.
Every day was a quest for the idols, and the idols she worshiped counted for nothing in eternity. All the wants her daughter had would slowly suck the life out of her and leave her, an empty souless shell at the altar.
The old woman watched the joss stick. The dull heat had left a teetering grey stem that was on the danger of collapsing.
Modern woman nowadays, the old lady sighed in resignation, as she bowed to the east bone a final time to end her ritual. Modern woman nowadays want so much that they lose their souls and wonder why they cannot find it.
Her joss stick disintegrated into a soft grey powder. She met her daughter outside the temple, the same look of worry and frustration was etched on her daughter's face.
An empty expression, as if she was ploughing through the soil of her wants looking for the one thing that would sow the seeds of happiness.
They climbed into the convertible in silence and her daughter drove along the highway, this time not too fast as she had done before.
'Ma,' Bee Choo finally said. 'I don't know how to put this. Mark and I have been talking about it and we plan to move out of the big house. The property market is good now, and we managed to get a buyer willing to pay us seven million for it. We decided we'd prefer a cosier penthouse apartment instead. We found a perfect one in Orchard Road. Once we move into our apartment, we plan to get rid of the maid, so we can have more space to ourselves'.
The old woman nodded knowingly. Bee Choo swallowed hard.
'We'd get someone to come in to do the housework and we can eat out - but once the maid is gone, there won't be anyone to look after you. You will be awfully lonely at home and, besides that the apartment is rather small. There won't be space. We thought about it for a long time, and we decided the best thing for you is if you moved to a Home. There's one
near Hougang - it's a Christian home and a very nice one.'
The old woman did not raise an eyebrow.
'I"ve been there, the matron is willing to take you in. It's beautiful with gardens and lots of old people to keep you company! Hardly have time for you, you'd be happier there. You'd be happier there, really.' her daughter repeated as if to affirm herself.
This time the old woman had no plastic bag of food offering to cling tightly to, she bit her lip and fastened her seat belt, as if it would protect her from a daughter who did not want her anymore. She sunk deep into the leather seat, letting her shoulders sag and her fingers trace the white seat.
'Ma,' her daughter asked, searching the rear view window for her mother. 'Is everything okay?'
What had to be done, had to be done.
'Yes' she said firmly, louder than she intended, 'if it will make you happy,' she added more quietly.
'It's for you, Ma! You will be happier there. You can move there tomorrow, I already got the maid to pack your things.'
Elaine said triumphantly, mentally ticking yet another item off her agenda.
'I knew everything would be fine.' Elaine smiled widely; she felt liberated. Perhaps getting rid of her mother would make her happier...
She had thought about it. It seemed the only hindrance in her pursuit of happiness. She was happy now. She had everything a modern woman ever wanted; money, status, career, love, power and now freedom without her mother and her old-fashioned ways to weigh her down...
Yes she was free. Her phone butted urgently, she picked it up and read the message, still beaming from ear to ear.
'Stock 10% increase.'
Yes, things were definitely beginning to look up for her and while searching for the meaning of life in the luminance of her hand phone screen, the old woman in the backseat became invisible and she did not see her in tears.
Moral of the story no. 1:
So fellow friends, save enough for your old age and don't try to rely on your children.
Your responsibility is to give them the necessary education/training and life after that is theirs.
If they chose to look after you, it is a bonus and thank God for it.
Moral of the story no. 2:
How our children treat us in our old age depends on how we bring them up and what we show them in our daily deeds. We can teach our children values of filial piety, love, integrity, responsibility, etc. But more than our teachings is the affirmation of what we teach them in practice, which is shown by the way we treat or mistreat our own parents and our parents-in-law (their grandparents).
We may love our children and shower them with gifts and sacrifices hoping that they will do the same to us when we are old. But all this will not matter when they see and remember how we treat or mistreat our aged parents and parents-in-law.
So, to all of us who have been trying to avoid letting our aged parents or parents-in-law stay with us; or giving money monthly but still not willing to let them stay with us nor take the responsibility to do more for them; or just giving them a physical place to stay in our homes without taking the trouble to cater to their needs, may as well take heed that we are teaching our children to do the same to us when we are old.
When this happens in our twilight years, do we blame our children, the education system, the modern society, the decadence of the world, or should we blame ourselves ?
On a brighter note, those of us who have been entrusted (although some were forced) to take care of our aged parents or parents-in-law - who have been through thick and thin, shed sweat and tears, sacrificed our own time and personal pursuits, in caring for them esp. when they were sick or couldn't control their motions - somehow would be able to testify that God did not let all these go unrewarded.
We felt the presence, comfort and help from God in those trying times and we had the privilege to experience what it means to be human - when our aged parents looked at us with tearful but grateful eyes acknowledging the hardship we endured in taking care of them.
We would definitely not take along our fame and wealth when we leave this world, but we could definitely bring along the rewards that God has bestowed upon us.
May you be blessed as you read all these.
Akal, Mata dan Hati :-

Di Taman Tasik Shah Alam, kami sering berjogging bersama mengelilingi tasik disamping memberi makan ikan - ikan serta tungtung yang terdapat di sana. Puas hati bilamana melihat anak - anak kegembiraan bermain sesama mereka.
Tapi sayang, MBSA perlu lebih proaktif dalam usaha menjalankan kerja - kerja selenggara untuk kawasan berkenaan. Saya agak terkilan apabila melihat kebanyakkan jambatan yang terdapat disekitar tasik dalam keadaan usang dan membahayakan. Sepatutnya MBSA dengan unit yang ada perlu membuat kerja - kerja pembaikan dengan kadar segera. Tak perlulah mengambil masa untuk menender kerja - kerja pembaikan jambatan tersebut. Urusan tender bukannya sekejap. Makan masa berbulan - bulan, sedangkan Taman Tasik Shah Alam setiap hari dikunjungi pelawat.
Nah ini sahaja yang mampu MBSA buat dengan meletakkan papn tanda amaran. Bukan untuk menutup serta membuat lencongan kelaluan lain. Saya rasa MBSA perlu bertindak dengan lebih efisien lagi la.....
Saya percaya ramai staff MBSA dan juga banyak peruntukkan yang disalurkan untuk kerja - kerja selenggara. MBSA sepatutnya membuat kerja - kerja pembaikan sementara kerana jambatan tersebut seringkali diguna pakai oleh pengguna. Bayangkan jika ada pejalan kaki tercedera akibat tersepak kayu lantai yang dah reput itu. Itu sudah memberi imej yang tidak elok kepada MBSA.
Bertindaklah segera. Jangan samai rakyat merungut dan berdemo plak...
Kesatuan Wartawan Kebangsaan (NUJ) menyuarakan rasa bimbang dan kesal dengan tindakan KDN yang ingin meminda Akta Penerbitan dan Pencetakan 1984 (PPPA) untuk terus mengawal kebebasan media di negara ini.
Presidennya, Hata Wahari berkata ia satu "usaha ke kebelakang" yang akan menghalang aliran maklumat kepada masyarakat dan seterusnya memundurkan Malaysia. Selanjutnya...
Akal, Mata dan Hati :-
Ini adalah salah satu usaha kerajaan BN untuk membolehkan rakyat hanya menerima berita yang pro mereka dan menyekat ketelusan dalam menyampaikan maklumat. Juga untuk mengekang pakatan dari menyampaikan berita. Juga untuk cover rahsia pak menteri dan orang - orang besar daripada diketahui oleh rakyat. Banyak rahsia yang telah diketahui oleh orang ramai dan jika tidak dikekang media internet, maka lebih banyak rahsia akan bocor!
Rakyat dah bosan dengan membaca media - media yang pro Kerajaan. Maklumat yang disiarkan berat sebelah serta tidak tepat pulak tu. Yang betul - betul tepat hanya keputusan nombor ekor serta berita sukan. Yang lain kurang sikitla..
Selepas pengundian dijalankan, hanya 34 ADUN mengundi bersetuju dengan pindaan itu manakala 20 lagi mengundi menentangnya.
Kerajaan Selangor memerlukan 38 undi (sokongan 2/3) bagi membolehkan undang-undang itu diluluskan.
BN mempunyai 21 kerusi yang mana kesemuanya sepakat menolak cadangan menteri besar itu. " Lanjut...
Akal, Mata dan Hati :-
"Daulat Tuanku Sembah Patik Mohon Diampun..." Seringkali kita berkata, kepada Sultanlah kita perlu rujuk kerana Sultan berkuasa ke atas segala-galanya. Agama, Perpaduan, Adat Istiadat dll. Itu dahulu. Sekarang Sultan tidak lagi berkuasa penuh.
Terdahulu kekebalan Sultan telah dihapuskan oleh suara dewan rakyat. Dari apa yang di baca, banyak pandangan - pandangan daripada YB - YB "berhati mulia" mengeluarkan kata - kata berbentuk menghina Sultan. Kronologinya banyak. Di Trengganu, Perlis serta di sidang Parlimen (suatu ketika dahulu yang mana tiada dalam sejarah negara). Apa yang diucapkan oleh golongan ini tidak mahu untuk diungkitkan. Bak kata orang, yang dah berlalu, biarkan ia pergi".
Namun begitu, bilamana satu pakatan telah mencadangkan agar kuasa Sultan dan MB dikembalikan (sebagai permulaanya) bagi perlantikan 3 jawatan penting dalam kerajaan terdapat pula golongan - golongan yang mengaku taat pada sultan membantah! Wahhh!!! Ini sudah ajaib. Setia tapi Bangkang... MB yang mencadangkan agar perlembagaan negeri pula dituduh macam - macam. Gamaknya otak mereka dah tak berapa betul dek kemaruk nak berkuasa. Mereka kena ingat, bila mereka kembali berkuasa, mereka pun boleh guna kuasa itu. Jadi apa yang mereka takut sebenarnya? Adakah mereka sedar bahawa mereka dah tak mampu tawan negeri itu dan dengan hanya budak - budak suruhan yang dilantik oleh mereka, baru mereka dapat cari kelemahan lawan mereka.
Berdemo bagai nak rak.." Daulat Tuanku!!!.. Kami berdiri dibelakang Tuanku.. Kerajaan P* Berdiadap Terhadap Sultan.." Antara sepanduk yang ditulis oleh mereka - mereka yang mengaku taat setia kepada Sultan. Hakikatnya, bila nak ubah perlembagaan negeri untuk kembalikan kuasa Sultan, mereka pulak tak sokong!. Pangkat dan gelaran Dato' Sri. Tan Sri.. nak pulak!. Dasar Muka Tak Tahu Malu...
Dengan Senario ini, rakyat dapat menilai mana puak yang sayang pada Sultan, mana puak yang berpura - pura sayang pasa Sultan. "Sendiri mahu faham ye!!!"

Akal, Mata dan Hati :- Anda fikirlah sendiri bagaimana orang - orang bukan islam dapat memahami cara hidup seorang muslim jika api kebencian ini dicetuskan. Orang - Orang seperti inilah yang perlu diISAkan.

Alhamdulillah... Tahun baru yang sudah menjelma hampir 15 hari mengingatkan setiap insan merasa bahawa masa tidak menunggu kita. Terasa 2010 pergi dengan pantas tanpa sedari. Tidak banyak yang mampu dilakukan di dalam tempoh 24 jam. Itulah masa, makhluk Allah yang setia menjalankan tanggungjawabnya dengan tanpa menunggu manusia.
Tahun 2011, cabaran untuk semua. Umur yang semakin meningkat, dari angka 1 kini sudah 34. Badan yang dulu sihat, kini dah mula terasa lemah. Dari bujang dah berkeluarga. Dulu satu anak kini dah 4 orang. Tanggungjawab semakin besar. Tapi, Allah tidak menjadikan manusia tanpa ujian keatas makhkuknya. Kita kena ingat. Sekuat mana manusia, setinggi mana pangkat dan kuasa, kepada Allah jua kita kembali.
Cabaran mendidik anak - anak serta isteri adalah menjadi keutamaan setiap ketua keluarga. Kerana masyarakat yang berkualiti adalah datang daripada keluarga yang sempurna. Didikan yang baik daripada ketua keluarga mampu mencorakkan masyarakat yang gemilang. Sebagai seorang muslim, mulalah dengan mengadakan solat jemaah bersama isteri dan anak - anak. Juga jangan dilupa makan bersama - sama juga mampu mengeratkan hubungan kekeluargaan.
Lupakan seketika kekalutan dan masalah yang melanda kita. Fokuslah di dalam mendidik keluarga. Semoga 2011 ini akan menjadikan diri kita insan yang kuat dari segi mental dan fizikal. Kekuatan spritual/rohani hendaklah di tingkatkan kerana ajal tidak diketahui bila menjelma. Tak boleh nak disetkan di dalam handphone bila malaikat maut datang menjemput. Semoga Allah memberi pertolongan kepada kita. Sekadar peringat buat diri sendiri.. Wallahua'lam...
Akal, Mata dan Hati:-
Adakah apa di yg nyatakan oleh beliau merupakan satu mitos semata-mata dan untuk menenangkan perasaan rakyat dengan menjadi hero rakyat. Atau kerajaan hanya berpura-pura selama ini dengan mengatakan banyak duit yg telah dihabiskan untuk subsidi minyak? Siapa yang menipu? Siapa yang kena tipu? Fikirlah...